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Science at Southbury

The Science curriculum is planned around the 2014 National Curriculum. Science knowledge and skills are a focus for each half term as well as developing children’s scientific enquiry. Teachers encourage pupils' curiosity through first-hand practical experiences: planning & carrying out investigations and developing their questioning.

Cartoon picture of lots of children dressed in lab coats holding scientific objects such as test tubes


  • Develop pupils’ scientific knowledge and conceptual understanding by learning about biology, chemistry and physics.
  • To develop children’s understanding of the nature, processes and methods of science through scientific enquiry.
  • Help children to answer scientific questions about the world around them.
  • Equip children with scientific knowledge required to understand the uses and implications of science today and for the future.
  • To encourage a love and enthusiasm of science.
  • To develop enquiring minds.

Year 1

Year 2

  • Plants
  • Animals including humans-identifying and naming animals
  • Senses & Body Parts
  • Everyday materials
  • Seasonal changes
  • Plants
  • Living things and their habitats
  • Animals including humans- growth, healthy eating and exercise
  • Lifecycles
  • Use of everyday materials

Year 3

Year 4

  • Plants
  • Animals including humans- skeletons and nutrition
  • Rocks
  • Light
  • Forces and magnets
  • Living things and their habitats
  • Animals including humans - teeth, digestion and food chains
  • States of matter
  • Sound
  • Electricity

Year 5

Year 6

  • Living things and their habitats- lifecycles and reproduction
  • Animals including humans- growth and development
  • Properties and changes of materials
  • Forces
  • Earth and space
  • Living things and their habitats - classification
  • Animals including humans - human body, exercise and drugs
  • Light
  • Electricity
  • Evolution and inheritance