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Our English, where possible, is centred around reading; reading being the core driver behind the lessons we deliver. English lessons are focused on a core text, from which the sequence of learning is planned. As a school, we provide an array of fun, child-centred literature. This encompasses a wide range of quality fiction and non-fiction texts. These texts are relevant and highly engaging, whilst also being appropriately challenging. There is a particular text focus for at least two weeks and in doing this, we aim to immerse children in connected learning, allowing them to deepen their understanding of the knowledge and skills involved which leads the children in producing their own piece of writing. Teachers use inspiring and creative teaching approaches to deliver high quality and enriching learning experiences - accessible to all pupils.​


We have daily Guided Reading sessions (mainly whole class) from Year 2 through to Year 6. In addition to this, some children are listened to individually at regular times. All children take a reading book home from their class book corner to practise their reading at home and are asked to read to an adult or older sibling each evening and have their Home Reading Record Book signed. To encourage reading for pleasure, children are read to before hometime by their class teacher.

A badge that says we are teaching our children to read with little wandle letters and sounds


Daily phonics lessons take place from Reception through to Year 1, following the Little Wandle Letters and Sounds phonics programme.
In Reception, children begin practising reading in matched decodable readers as soon as they can blend. Reading practice sessions are timetabled and taught by a trained Learning Assistant and delivered in small groups. Termly assessments are used to match children’s secure phonic knowledge to decodable books.

a badge that says we are teachinng every child to read with little wandle letters and sounds

Speaking and Listening

Children develop their speaking and listening skills though taking part in discussions as well as drama activities incorporated into English lessons. They also have the opportunity to develop these skills with a class assembly involving drama.


The rules of grammar are incorporated within English lessons as well as being explicitly taught during ‘Basic Skills Week’ at the beginning of every half term.


Spelling rules/patterns are taught weekly, in line with the National Curriculum 2014.


Cursive handwriting is taught throughout the school from Year 1 up to Year 6 in discrete lessons.

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